Okeanos Foundation for the Sea implements its own projects in the Pacific and in Europe and supports cooperation partners in their activities. The focus of support is on ideas and projects by committed young people who are co-creatively and actively engaged in environmental and marine protection and social transformation.

Foundation Projects

Funded project: A coral reef in the heart of Frankfurt

Frankfurt, Germany
Since July 2021

Since July 2021, visitors of the Senckenberg Naturmuseum Frankfurt can marvel at one of the most productive ecosystems of our planet: In an artificial Indo-Pacific coral reef, more than 3000 organisms cavort, which taxidermists in cooperation with scientists have depicted true to life. A mind-changing experience that is not only fun, but also thought-provoking.

Image sources

  • 13_0318a_HMT_PIC_Tonga__01-a: © Okeanos Foundation
  • whaleday: © Okeanos Foundation
  • Fishing_in_the_Miyato_River_–_Hokusai: Michaela Vieser
  • Whalefall-Cover-web: Ada Isaacs