WAVES OF ACTION – The people centred ocean initiative The Okeanos Foundation’s youth initiative for the ocean

Teenagers and young adults are supported in their development into committed, mindful and empathetic actors. It is important that the individual skills and interests of the WOA community are encouraged and that there is enough room for free development. The community work is always based on three pillars: Marine Biology, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Education for Inner Development. In addition to the OceanCamps, the centrepiece of WAVES OF ACTION, workshops and lectures are organised and networking between experts and the WOA community is facilitated. In addition, the community’s own projects are supported and promoted in every way possible.

WAVES OF ACTION is a growing community that works together with fun, creativity and confidence for the protection of the oceans, informs itself, educates itself and networks.

The Waves Of Action youth initiative website provides an overview of our programmes for young people as part of our thematic focus areas ‘Education for Inner Development’, ‘Education for Sustainable Development’ and ‘Marine Biology, Marine Ecology’. We are always driven by the desire to support our community as much as possible in their individual commitment and to bring the ocean regularly and convincingly to the negotiating table as a dialogue partner.


Image sources

  • WAVES OF ACTION Community: Antonius Scheffler