When a whale dies, its body sinks to the bottom of the sea. There, in the cold, dark depths, a transformation begins: the ocean brings back life in an unimaginable way.

Fishing in the Miyato River/ 宮戸川長縄 Miyatogawa Nagawa, ca. 1832 - 1834 by Hokusai

Die Nature Writing Autorin Michaela Vieser ist Wave Writer Stipendiatin der Okeanos Stiftung für das Meer. Im Zentrum ihrer Arbeit steht der Blick auf unseren menschlichen Umgang mit den Gewässern unseres Planeten.

For the first time, Okeanos supports an outstanding nature writer with our project ‘wave writer’.

Development of a mentoring programme for the unfolding of personal potentials that enable commitment to a sustainable future

Bringing together active youth for ocean and environmental protection projects in three summercamps on Vaka Okeanos off the French coast in the Mediterranean Sea

Image sources

  • Whalefall-Cover-web: Ada Isaacs
  • Fishing_in_the_Miyato_River_–_Hokusai: Michaela Vieser
  • whaleday: © Okeanos Foundation
  • F_VAKA_OKEANOS_122b: © Okeanos Foundation